The network-wide training programme has been specifically designed to equip the researchers with a balance of research-related and transferable skills and it will be complemented by local training at host institutions.


The research projects were specifically devised to contain secondments at network partners as firmly integrated elements to benefit from the specialist expertise, synthetic methodologies or equipment available there.

There will be two types of secondment: 

  • Short-term secondments will typically last 4 weeks and facilitate knowledge exchange between groups
  • Long-term secondments will typically last 6 months and promote inter-sectorial collaboration. Each ESR will be seconded to one of our industrial network members. 

Workshops and Summer School

Following the recruitment workshop, there will be 4 workshops of 2-3 days length and a 4-5 day long summer school. The ESRs will give oral presentations at each network event, have training courses on network-relevant subjects and attend invited lectures by internationally renowned experts in the field.

Training Courses

Seven techniques have been identified as central to the field so that every ESR will be trained in these techniques during the workshops and summer school.

The techniques are:

  • NMR Spectroscopy
  • Fluorescence Spectroscopy
  • Quartz Crystal Microbalance
  • Surface Plasmon Resonance
  • Microscopy
  • Scattering
  • X-Ray Crystallography

Career Development Plans

Each ESR will establish a Career Development Plan (CDP) with his/her supervisor to tailor the training programme to the individual needs of the researcher. This plan will include an initial research plan and identify relevant courses at the host institution to complement the network-wide training. The ESRs will keep their CDP updated with progress reports, a record of training courses, lectures, conferences attended, talks on research and literature, posters presented, and a list of publications.