The research programme will focus on the preparation of “smart” materials and exploit their response to different stimuli, such as light, for diverse applications from display technology to drug delivery. It has been divided into 3 work packages (WPs) based on the desired properties of the system/material and the the individual research projects of the recruited ESRs will be delivered as tasks (T) within these WPs.

WP1: Redox-Active Molecular Systems and Materials

  • T1.1: Architectures based on Dynamic Aromatic Foldamer Assembly (UB)
  • T1.2: Gradients in Composite Molecular Interfaces (WIS)
  • T1.3: Self-Synthesising Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels (RUG)

WP2: Chemically-Responsive Molecular Systems and Materials

  • T2.1: Subcomponent Self-Assembly of Cyclopeptide-Containing Molecular Cages (UNIKL)
  • T2.2: Multiply Responsive Nanocarriers for Cellular Drug Delivery (KTH)
  • T2.3: Metal-Organic Complexes as Synthetic Ion Channels (UCAM)
  • T2.4: Switchable Nanostructures and Novel Materials based on Polyfunctional Clathrochelates (EPFL)

WP3: Optically-Active Molecular Systems and Materials

  • T3.1: Iminoboronate Polymers as Dynamically Adaptable, Photoactive Materials (UCAM)
  • T3.2: Supramolecular Polymer-based Micelles for Sequential Orthogonal Assembly and Disassembly (WU)
  • T3.3: Re-Programmable Luminescent Biocompatible Gels (UNISTRA)
  • T3.4: Development of Receptors for Aqueous Carbohydrate Recognition (NOVO)